Dr Juan Camilo Restrepo is the Professor and Researcher at the Department of Physics and Geosciences of the Universidad del Norte (Colombia), Guest Researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) (United States) and Co-founder and Co-Director of the Particles in Americas (PiA) initiative. He is also the Director of the Sustainable Development Institute at Universidad del Norte (Colombia).
His research focuses on fluvial and coastal processes in tropical environments, considering the effects and feedback raised from anthropogenic influences and climate variability, analyzing (1) the causes and effects of fluvial fluxes variability (water, sediments, and nutrients) on coastal zones and (2) the relationships/feedback between the hydrodynamic regimes, sediment transport, and fluvial/estuarine dynamic. Those topics lie within the relevant fields linked to coastal evolution and adaptation in times of global change. He has published over 50 scientific articles on these topics and received the National Award in Sciences from the Fundación Alejandro Angel Escobar (Colombia) in 2018.