Dr. Ven Paolo B. Valenzuela is a Research Fellow (Asian Urbanisms Cluster) at the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. He has been deeply involved in studies on climate change and disasters over the past decade and employs transdisciplinary methods to holistically understand contemporary global challenges. He was involved in global policymaking on climate change and disasters and his works has been cited by key scientific reports such as the IPCC 6th Assessment Report.
He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences degree (Major in Social Anthropology) from the University of the Philippines Baguio in 2011. He was granted the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship in 2016 and pursued graduate studies at the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science – Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI) at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. He earned his Master of Sustainability Science degree in 2018 and his Ph.D. in Sustainability Science in 2021. Dr. Valenzuela is a recipient of the master’s Research Award at (GPSS-GLI), the 2019 Asian Graduate Student Fellowship during his PhD at the Asia Research Institute National University of Singapore, as well the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement for Doctoral Course at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
Dr. Valenzuela’s research approach transdisciplinary methods to holistically understand contemporary disaster risk reduction, climate change, and sustainable development issues and concerns. His current research interest focuses on the social dimensions of advance-type adaptation to climate change and disasters (e.g. ports, seawalls, land reclamation, floating settlements).