Prof. Dr. Bruce C. Glavovic

Professor in the Resource and Environmental Planning Programme

Bruce’s research centres on the role of governance in building resilient and sustainable communities. He focuses on coasts and the roles of land-use planning, collaboration and conflict resolution at the science-policy-practice interface. He is co-Editor-in-Chief of Ocean & Coastal Management.

He was Coordinating Lead Author of the sea-level rise chapter in the IPCC’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (2019). He is a Cross-Chapter Paper Lead and Lead Author in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.

He led the team that prepared South Africa’s White Paper for Sustainable Coastal Development (2000) – the basis of the world’s first Integrated Coastal Management Act (2009).

Links for more information

Which themes and hotspots of Future Earth Coasts are you addressing with your work?

Themes: Human Development and Coasts, Pathways to Coastal Sustainability

Hotspots: Small islands, Urbanization in coastal zones, Arctic Coasts, River-Mouth Systems, Deltas and Estuaries