A new Special Issue of the journal Estuaries and Coasts entitled: ‘Ecology, Stressors, and Management of Low Inflow Estuaries’ aims to increase understanding of the ecology of low inflow estuaries and coastal lagoons of threats to them, and of unique management solutions that may be needed to address these threats. Submissions focusing on Mediterranean coastal lagoons are especially welcome.
Guest Editors: Michael Wetz ([email protected]), Jennifer Pollack ([email protected]), Daniel Lemley ([email protected]), and Valérie Derolez ([email protected]).
If interested in submitting an article to this issue, please send a draft title and a 250-word (max) abstract by 15 December 2021 to Michael Wetz ([email protected]). The four co-Editors will screen all abstracts to ensure that they are of sufficient quality and fit for the issue. Authors will be notified by 20 December 2021, as to whether or not they should proceed with the development of a full manuscript. The deadline to receive manuscripts for this issue is 31 May 2022. Once a manuscript is received, it will undergo peer-review through the Estuaries and Coasts review system. The issue is expected to be assembled and ready for publication by November 2022.