Future Earth Coasts Affiliate Activity Form
By submitting this proposal you are agreeing to include affiliation to FEC as appropriate and/or acknowledge FEC in publications. When acknowledging FEC in your publications please use the following phrase: “This work contributes to Future Earth Coasts, a Global Research Project of Future Earth”.
We suggest you to consider the official journal of Future Earth Coasts, Anthropocene Coasts, for publication of results. Discounts on publications are available for FEC affiliates; please contact the IPO for details. Should you wish to use a FEC logo in publications or presentations, please contact us at
[email protected] activities may be asked to provide short summaries and/or picture material for documentation purposes and for non-exclusive use in publications (print, online and/or presentations) by FEC. You are also agreeing to FEC values. For reference find more on them on our website.