Prof. Dr. Jing ZHANG
Future Earth Coasts (FEC) is pleased to announce the addition of Prof. Dr. Jing ZHANG as a new FEC Academy Member. Prof. Dr. Jing ZHANG, previously Vice President of SCOR, and currently professor at the University of Toyama, Chair of IOC-WESTPAC AMS program, will actively engage with the FEC network and activities.
Jing Zhang is a sea-going chemical oceanographer, an environmental geochemist and professor at the University of Toyama. She received a MSc and PhD from the University of Tokyo, did her postgraduate work at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences. She moved to the University of Toyama in 1998, has been a professor since 2008, and Advisor to the President from 2021. Zhang’s research seeks to clarify the origins of materials in the hydrosphere, their distributions and circulation mechanisms, and the links with global environmental changes, by analyzing trace elements and isotopic compositions. She studies the transport and interaction between the marginal seas and the open ocean; submarine groundwater discharge and shallow hydrothermal systems; oceanic circulation and variation related to global climate changes; origins and long-term transportation of anthropogenic materials; and the formation mechanisms of chemical synthesis communities, such as bacterial-mats and methane flux in cold seep and gas/oil seep areas. She received the JOS Environmental Science Prize of the Oceanographic Society of Japan in 2018, and Oceanochemistry Award in 2020. At present, she is a member of the Science Council of Japan, and a director in the Environmental Cooperation Center. She is a councilor of the Geochemical Society of Japan and the Oceanographic Society of Japan.
She has published more than 140 SCI peer reviewed papers as first/corresponding author and co-author; H-index above 30 (data from Google Scholar). In the last five years, as the research representative of major active research projects, leads “Impacts of Climate Change on Water and Nutrient Cycling in Toyama Prefecture and Adaptation Measures” (108,000,000 JPY, the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund) and “Impacts of global warming and stratified intensification on the low-nutrient, anaerobic environment and ecosystems of the outer continental shelf of the East China Sea” and “Transformation processes of nutrient supplied by turbulence into the euphotic layer in the Kuroshio area and its contribution to biological production” {28,000,000JPY, JSPS KAKENHI Grants} etc.
She has served many international scientific societies in many capacities, such as a vice president of SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2018-2022), serving on the Science Steering Committee (2004- 2011) and the Data Management Committee (2006-2017) for GEOTRACES program; and on the F.W. Clarke Award Committee and on the Nominations Committee of the Geochemical Society. She also served as a chair of the twelve-country Working Group (2017-2021) established by the IOC Sub- Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) in 2017, and now is leading a ten-year ongoing program (2021-2030), “Healthy, Productive and Sustainable Asian Marginal Seas”.
It’s our strong belief that Prof. Jing ZHANG’s expertise and contributions will significantly enhance the visibility of FEC activities in Japan and advance our dissemination and communication efforts, fostering fruitful outcomes.