Future Earth Coasts

Future Earth Coasts and Conservatoire du littoral Unite to Champion Coastal Sustainability

Future Earth Coasts (FEC) is proud to announce the establishment of partnership with Conservatoire du littoral (Cdl), a French public institution dedicated to preserving and reviving threatened coastal ecosystems in Europe. The partnership between FEC and Cdl is driven by a shared commitment to safeguard coastal ecosystems and raise awareness of environmental preservation.

In preparation for the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) and in light of the 50th anniversary of the Barcelona Convention, the Conservatoire du Littoral has decided to broaden its focus to ensure that coastal adaptation becomes a priority for States. To this end, in October 2024, in collaboration with the Mediterranean Action Plan, convened a hybrid workshop titled “On the Road to UNOC 3: Accelerating Coastal Adaptation with Regional Seas.” This gathering brought together regional coordinators, executive secretaries, UNEP representatives, and adaptation experts to discuss innovative solutions for coastal adaptation. Former FEC Chair and current FEC Academy member, Prof. Bruce Glavovic, was invited to join the panel of experts to discuss coastal adaptation and the role of Regional Seas.

The workshop included a session dedicated to reviewing a position paper prepared by the Conservatoire du Littoral and an international committee of experts. The position paper outlines recommendations to accelerate coastal adaptation and shares best practices. Its ultimate goal is to influence discussions at the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC). FEC representatives—Prof. Alice Newton, Prof. Bruce Glavovic and Dr. Xiaoyu Fang joined the editorial committee to refine the position paper. The document emphasizes the importance of enhancing regional cooperation and bridging the adaptation gap. Through their involvement, FEC experts not only contribute to the sustainable development of regional seas and coastal regions but also reinforce FEC’s leadership in international cooperation and policymaking on sustainability and innovation.

Looking ahead, the partnership between FEC and CdL holds immense promise for advancing coastal sustainability efforts globally. Through joint efforts, we foresee a world where coastal landscapes are thriving habitats where human ingenuity and nature’s grace coexist in harmony.

About the Conservatoire du littoral

The Conservatoire du littoral is a French public institution, with no equivalent in Europe. Its mission is to acquire degraded coastal lands threatened by urbanization or that have been degraded, to create sites respectful of nature and to host activities and public for awareness raising. The International and Europe delegation (DEI in French) takes part in cooperation projects all over the world to share best practices, for capacity building as well as to raise the voice of the coasts in international fora.

Learn more about the Conservatoire du littoral at https://www.conservatoire-du-littoral.fr/.

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