The Centre for Coastal Management is Africa’s Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience as recognized by the World Bank in 2019. As a Center of Excellence, we strive to be an exemplary and unique institution, providing demand driven capacity building, applied research and extension services to the coastal communities.
We have designed professional courses to build capacities of coastal resource users and managers for the greater benefit of the coastal environment. Through our research and partnerships, we are contributing to the global knowledge base of best practices in Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The Centre seeks to continually contribute to global efforts to safeguard healthy coastal ecosystems for sustained provision of goods and services.
The Centre acts as a focal point for collaborative research on coastal zone issues in Ghana. The focus of the research is usually demand-driven aimed among others to monitor the health of coastal ecosystems for conservation and sustainable resource use. A key component includes monitoring the effects of human and natural factors on coastal ecosystems.
The Centre also engages in research of policy relevance, linked to fisheries management and governance issues within coastal communities. Outcomes of the research are disseminated through seminars, conferences, scientific publications, policy briefs, communiques, and the media.
The Centre has designed short professional courses to serve the needs of the coastal and fisheries sectors of Ghana. This activity is aimed at building the professional competency of people working on coastal issues. This component introduces participants to best practices in all its training courses using standardized modules and technical sessions in classroom and field activities. The objective is to enhance the technical and leadership capacities of professionals from diverse backgrounds i.e. planners, disaster management officials, community development workers, educators, private sectors, etc.
The Centre further provides up-to-date science-based information and technical skills by engaging stakeholders for the greater benefit of the Ghanaian society. This component is aimed at primarily strengthening inter-agency collaboration for the sustainable management of fisheries and other coastal resources.
Through this programme, we create a platform for engaging government, development partners, civil society organizations and private sector institutions to advise government on the development and implementation of policies, strategies and programmes to address the challenges of the sector.