Lagoons for Life Resources

Browse our affiliated projects, networks and initiatives, learn about our demonstration sites, and read our newsletters.

Projects & Initiatives

Below is a list of associated projects, networks and other initiatives that support, and collaborate with, Lagoons For Life:

  • UK NERC GloboLakes
  • Group on Earth Observations Blue Planet (GEO BP)
  • Baltic Lagoon Network (BALLOON)
  • Italian Network for Ecological Research in Coastal Zones and Transitional Areas (LaguNet)
  • Resilient Lagoon Network (RLN)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870349.

Featured Project

The H2020 CERTO project

(Copernicus Evolution – Research for harmonised and Transitional water Observation)


CERTO has produced harmonised water quality datasets suitable for the monitoring of the continuum of water bodies (from rivers and lakes to transitional to coastal).

The project is using Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI data to map water quality using state-of-the-art methods. Factors that have historically restricted remote sensing observations over transitional water bodies such as atmospheric interference in the satellite signal and the impacts of land adjacency and bathymetry effects were investigated and mitigation techniques were developed.

The CERTO sites include three lagoons (Curonian, Razelm-Sinoe and Venice), among others. Read the overview summaries from these three lagoons to learn about the localised impacts of the CERTO project (see our ‘Publications’ section below).

Newsletters & Publications

Issue 1

Issue 6

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Vision Booklet

CERTO project overview summary for Venice Lagoon

CERTO project overview summary for Curonian Lagoon

CERTO project overview summary for Danube Delta, incl. Razelm-Sinoe Lagoon System