Future Earth Coasts

News and Events

ECSA59 in San Sebastian – call for special sessions

ECSA 59: Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas will take place in San Sebastian, Spain from 5-8 September 2022. ECSA encourage innovative sessions and formats including, but not restricted, to oral...

Upcoming FEC seminars

Introducing the two upcoming FEC webinars organised by the Australian IPO. Everyone is free to join and no prior registration is needed! "Nature-based solutions: Implementation of climate change adaptation pilot projects in the Indo-Pacific" Presented by Daniel...

Ocean Acidification in Africa

For African consumers, fish and other fish products make up around 18% of all animal protein intake. Fisheries and aquaculture currently contribute USD $24 billion to the economy in Africa, employing more than 12 million people across the continent. International...