FEC partner Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) successfully ran a training course on co-design and development of transdisciplinary research projects in a Global North/South perspective from October 24 to November 1. The course brought together two dozen enthusiastic participants from around the world and addressed the development of a transdisciplinary research project plan with a particular emphasis on societal impact, combining theoretical lectures with practical examples and group exercises. It involved international experts from academia and practice as lecturers, and allowed the participants to develop a thorough understanding of theoretical concepts, methods, and practical application, while directly applying the material in case studies of their own choice. Topics covered include transdisciplinarity and transdisciplinary approaches, positionality and differences in perspectives, stakeholder mapping and engagement of diverse actors, equitable research collaborations and participation, effective science communication, and evaluation of transdisciplinary projects.
Here is a link to the course description: https://www.leibniz-zmt.de/en/news-at-zmt/news/news-archive/lfn-summer-school-generating-impact-in-complex-natural-resource-contexts.html