Estuaries and Coasts featuring a new article on Nutrient Loading & Biogeochemical responses in four New Zealand Coastal Systems
Balance of Catchment and Offshore Nutrient Loading and Biogeochemical Response in Four New Zealand Coastal Systems: Implications for Resource...
Our Coastal Futures | A strategy for the Sustainable Development of the World’s Coasts
Our Coastal Futures - A Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the World's Coasts “Coastal zones are the frontline in our global quest for a...
Marine Spatial Planning: Methodologies, Environmental Issues and Current Trends
Marine Spatial Planning: Methodologies, Environmental Issues and Current Trends Editors: Dimitra Kitsiou & michael Karydis Department of Marine...
Building Industries at Sea: ‘Blue Growth’ and the New Maritime Economy
Building Industries at Sea: 'Blue Growth' and the New Maritime Economy Editors: Kate Johnson, Heriot Watt University, UK Gordon Dalton, University...
A Blue Urban Agenda: Adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Cities of Caribbean and Pacific Small Island Developing States
by Mycoo, Michelle and Donovan, Michael G. Scientific Steering Committee member of Future Earth Coasts, and coordinator of the Caribbean Regional...
A new synthesis of best practices in transdisciplinary science
Coastal vulnerability and freshwater security brochure from the first ever Belmont Forum Synthesis Workshop Future Earth Coasts and the Integration...
You Can’t Eat Biodiversity: Agency and Irrational Norms in European Aquatic Environmental Law
You Can't Eat Biodiversity: Agency and Irrational Norms in European Aquatic Environmental Law Challenges in Sustainability | 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue...
ICAN – Best Practice Guide to Engage your Coastal Web Atlas User Community
Editors: Kathrin Kopke and Ned Dwyer The International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) is a community of practice of organizations, who have been...
Estuarine Ecohydrology
Authored by Eric Wolanski and Mike Elliot, this publication provides an ecohydrology viewpoint of an estuary as an ecosystem by focusing on its principal components.
Climate change and the Coast
Authored by Bruce Glavovic, Mick Kelly, Robert Kay and Ailbhe Travers, Coastal communities are at the frontline of a changing climate.